Meet the Board

"There's an ineffable joy that accompanies the sight of a child's smile. It's a radiant beacon of innocence and purity, capable of melting even the sternest of hearts. But a smile from a child with special needs, warms our heart. There are not enough events for children with special needs in this age range and that is the reason we keep on putting the event together."

Carol Wilhite, President
Sharon Jacoby, Vice President
Dawn Jacoby, Secretary

     For over 40 years, the Challenged Children's Rodeo has been a presence at rodeos in Norco and other areas in Southern California. Over the years we have been an annually featured event at the Norco Horse Week Rodeo, the Norco Mounted Posse Rodeo, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Rodeo and many more. At each event, we provide special children with a unique and unforgettable experience while they get to be "rodeo" stars for a day.
     Our kids are partnered with their professional counterparts, the cowboys, cowgirls, rodeo clowns, Queens, and Princesses of professional rodeo, for an hour of fun and companionship. This makes it a special day for all involved. The children who participate in a Challenged Children's Rodeo event are those who face special challenged in life. Our events give them a chance to be just kids and the stars of the show, for a day, shining in the spotlight for a little while. As they go through a series of simulated rodeo events, using special props designed for fun and safety, they are partnered with the special men and women of rodeo, who share a little of themselves with these great kids. while the spectators cheer them on, the children often form a special bond with their rodeo partner. 
     Challenged Children's Rodeo is a non-profit organization and each event owes its success to the efforts of their permanent members, as well as an intrepid and dedicated group of volunteers who, year after year, make Challenged Children's Rodeo the special event that it is. There is no charge to the families for the children to participate; the group operates entirely on donations and sponsorships of generous individuals and organizations who want to give back to the community in a special way.